Doctoral Completion Award (DCA)

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Award Overview


The School of Graduate Studies created the Doctoral Completion Award (DCA) in 2010 to provide financial assistance for full-time PhD and SJD students in the final stage of their program. DCA funds are made available to graduate faculties to support eligible students who are beyond the funded cohort but still within the time limit for the degree. The DCA is managed locally by the graduate faculty/unit.

Graduate students experiencing a disruption in their program and/or otherwise impacted trajectory should inquire about supports and services through the Registrar’s Office or Graduate Unit. More information is available on the SGS Research and Academic Resiliency and Adaptation Tool Kit webpage.


In addition to graduate unit criteria, applicants for the DCA must be:

  • beyond the funded cohort as established by graduate unit practice
  • within time limit for the degree
  • in good academic standing as defined by the graduate unit
  • a full-time PhD or SJD student (DMA, EdD, and flexible-time PhD students are ineligible).

Application Process

Individual Faculties/units will establish their own timelines, application, eligibility criteria, adjudication and payment process. A financial needs assessment may be required for some applications.

Please contact your graduate unit for all application procedures and details.